Ian Callum, former head Jaguar design, opens a new design studio named after him. According to the British magazine Autocar, “Callum” is a new style and engineering company that will operate in multiple fields, from design to travel and lifestyle. The company is headquartered in Warwick, north of London and currently employs 18 people.
The British designer has founded the new company with three partners all related to the automotive world: David Fairbairn, project manager of the 2014 Jaguar Lightweight E-Type, Adam Donfrancesco, head of the engineering department that worked former Noble and Aston Martin, and Tom Bird, the commercial director. Bird made possible the appearance of the Jaguar C-X75, now on display at the Mauto in Turin in the 40th anniversary exhibition of our magazine, in the film James Bond Spectre of 2015. The company will communicate further details in the near future.