Maserati has unveiled the first design details of the MC20, the mid-engined sports car that will debut in Modena on 9 September. Alongside the road version of the new Maserati car there could also be a racing version: with the MC20 Maserati will return to the world of racing. The Italian manufacturer of the FCA Group points to the new arrival as a natural evolution of the MC12 (car on which the Pininfarina Birdcage 75th was built in 2005), which in 2004 marked Maserati’s return to competition after 37 years.
The mid-engined sports car will be powered by a hybrid powertrain and will also be available in a 100% electric version. The styling will take up some stylistic elements typical of all Maseratis, such as the aggressive and marked front end with the grille that occupies a large part of the front, combining it with some new elements. The design of the car, dynamic and light, has been taken care of by the Maserati design center.