“Giugiaro. Disegnando il futuro” is the title of the movie dedicated to Giorgetto Giugiaro that was presented at the ADI Design Museum Compasso d’Oro in Milan. The film will be broadcast on Rai Tre (italian television) on 3 November. It is a journey around the nature and method of a designer who set the school by travelling the world and feeding on art and life: the authors interviewed family, friends, critics and historical collaborators who told about the character even beyond his professional successes.

Giorgetto and Fabrizio Giugiaro on 1963 Chevrolet Corvair Testudo

We can also listen to Giorgetto himself tell his story and describe the cars he is most fond of: from the Panda and Golf to cars now considered icons of motoring such as the Chevrolet Corvair Testudo, the DeLorean DMC-12, the Alfa Romeo GT Junior or the more recent GFG Sibylla. Also on the screen is the more artistic and sporty soul of Giugiaro, who likes to define himself as a ‘pencil man’: he can be seen painting a triptych of three 5×4 metre canvases for the church of his home town, Garessio, or climbing his mountains on a trials bike.