The Ferrari Purosangue has won the Compasso d’Oro. The Suv was awarded during a ceremony at the ADI Design Museum in Milan in the presence of Flavio Manzoni, head of Ferrari design. Established in 1954 by ADI, the Compasso d’Oro is awarded every two years on the basis of a pre-selection carried out by the association’s Permanent Observatory, which includes designers, critics, historians and journalists.

Over the years, four Ferraris have been awarded the coveted accolade: the F12berlinetta in 2014, the FXX K in 2016, the Monza SP1 in 2020 and, of course, the Purosangue. For the jury, made up of designers and authoritative representatives of the sector, the Purosangue represented ‘an element of concrete novelty in a mature sector in the face of global competition’.