Pininfarina announces the launch of its new design competition, inviting final year students from selected schools around the world, specializing in mobility design, interaction design and architecture, to participate. This year’s theme, “Materiality, the Umami of Mobility,” challenges contestants to imagine the future of living and transportation, emphasizing the significant role of materials in creating innovative design solutions. The competition encourages students to create a complete mobility experience, from vehicles to spaces, where materials play a crucial role in addressing current mobility challenges, such as environmental sustainability, accessibility and technological comfort. Students are invited to move beyond these challenges, focusing on human needs and desires and creating an overall sense of enchantment. Just like a dish with an “umami” flavor (considered the fifth flavor), the design should leave a pleasant and lasting impression.

The competition is free for final year students, over 18 years old, who attend universities, schools, institutes or academies invited in the fields of Mobility Design, Interaction Design and Architecture. Competitors can only participate individually and each participant can submit a maximum of one project. The invited schools are:

College for Creative Studies (United States)
Central Academy of Fine Arts (China)
China Academy of Art (China)
FIU (United States)
Henan University of Technology (China)
Hongik University (South Korea)
IAAD (Italy)
National Institute of Design (India)
Pratt (United States)
SCAD (United States)
Southwest Jiao Tong University (China)
Strate School of Design (France)
Tongji University (China)
Umeå Institute of Design (Sweden)

Participants are challenged to design future mobility solutions for a specific group of users, looking ten years ahead. The context of these projects can vary, including intra-urban, rural or inter-urban/inter-country environments, and can include land, air or water vehicles, as well as built environments. The competition is structured in three phases. The first is open to all students enrolled in the schools mentioned above, from which 20 participants will be selected. After an individual coaching session with Pininfarina and a period of time to refine their proposals, 10 participants will move on to the final phase. This phase includes another one-on-one coaching session and three months to develop their final presentation, culminating in the selection of winners.

Initial registrations start on August 30, 2024 and end on September 27, 2024. Rules and information are available on Pininfarina 2024 Design Contest – Pininfarina. To participate in the competition, students must download and complete the registration form and presentation template, then send both documents to Selected participants will receive further details on the subsequent submission steps, which will also be provided to the finalists. Entries will be evaluated by a jury made up of Pininfarina designers, renowned industry figures and media partners. The winners will be announced by May 2025 during an awards ceremony celebrating Pininfarina’s 95th anniversary. The winners of each category will be entitled to an internship or a fixed-term position at one of Pininfarina’s style centers. Furthermore, a special “Paolo Pininfarina” prize will be awarded in memory of the former President, selected by the company’s long-standing collaborators.